Turtle Fur x Walls of Love

In 2008, Turtle Fur began Project Warmth with the single focus to help those in need stay warm. It started locally within our community, and has since spread nationwide. To date, we are proud to say we have donated 100,000+ products across 150 organizations in 35 states. This year alone, we have already donated 17,000 products across the US.
When we heard about Walls of Love last year, we were excited to start working with them and donating products to their cause. The same happened this year when we learned about the initiative to erect 50 walls the same day.
On Nov. 7, Walls of Love is celebrating their 2nd Anniversary by erecting 50 walls in states across the US. How it works? Bags containing basic necessities and winter gear are put up on walls within regions of poverty. People can take what they need, when they need it. Turtle Fur is proud to support this initiative through Project Warmth, with a donation of 5,000 hats.
Walls will be erected in the following areas:
- Arkansas: Little Rock
- Alaska: Fairbanks
- Colorado: Denver
- Florida: Jacksonville, Mims
- Maryland: Baltimore
- Michigan: Lansing
- New York: Manhattan
- Ohio: Akron, Cleveland, Columbus, East Cleveland, Elyria, Lakewood, Lorain, Painesville, Shaker Heights, Youngstown
- Pennsylvania: Erie
- Texas: Dallas, Houston
- Virginia: Richmond
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100% of proceeds donated to Walls of Love go directly to impact individuals in need. In the two years since the foundations inception, 585 Walls of Love have been erecting, helping over 110,000 individuals. Once pregnant and homeless herself within a domestic violence situation, Holly understands how crucial it is to have warm gear and other essentials - and with it, hope. She overcame homelessness and poverty, and her goal now is to help as many people as she can, across the United States.
Want to learn more or interested in donation opportunities with Walls of Love? Visit wallsoflove.com.
Want to learn more or interested in donation opportunities with Project Warmth? Visit projectwarmth.org and see the hashtag on IG at #projectwarmth.