Turtle Fur Limited Warranty
Turtle Fur, at its discretion, may request evidence of the defective product, which will typically require that the defective product be returned to Turtle Fur at Turtle Fur's expense. In cases where expedited shipping is requested or international shipping is required, or in cases of excessive warranty claims, the consumer may be responsible for part or all of the cost of shipping the replacement product.
This Limited Warranty applies 90 days from date of purchase and only to products manufactured by or for Turtle Fur that can be identified by our trade names, or logos affixed to them. This warranty does not apply to: (a) damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, flood, fire, exposure to extreme temperatures, or other external causes; (b) cosmetic damage, including but not limited to pilling or fading, or other forms of discoloration from aging; (c) damage caused by puncture, cuts, abrasions, and mistreatment or excessive wear.
Turtle Fur responsibility for defects is limited to repair or replacement service as determined by Turtle Fur.
No Turtle Fur reseller, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty.
Please visit our Returns page for details on how to obtain warranty service. Please do not send products to the Turtle Fur without the required documentation.
If you have additional questions, contact Customer Service at: Contact Us